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A string of high-profile killings of black men by police in various U.S.The Reverend Jesse Jackson, the Chicago-based civil rights leader, told Reuters the lack of footage of O'Neal's killing was "a cover up. Chicago: Chicago police released video on Friday that showed the moments before officers killed an unarmed 18-year-old black man last week but failed to capture the fatal shots because a policeman's body camera was not recording, prompting allegations of a cover-up and calls for a special prosecutor.In response to a Reuters query about why there was no video of the shooting of O'Neal, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said, "This is under investigation.

"There is no question in my mind that they ran this kid down and murdered him."He said police in the district had received the body cameras just eight to 10 days before the shooting and "officers have not had a lot of time to interact with the equipment.No firearms were found on O'Neal, who police shot in the back."They shot at us too, right " one officer can be heard saying, referring to the occupants of the stolen Jaguar. cities in the past two years has renewed a national debate about racial discrimination in the American criminal justice system and given rise to the Black Lives Matter movement.Chicago's Fraternal Order of Police urged people not to rush to judgment in the case. It was unnecessary. It was an execution," Jackson said.Last year, Chicago was rocked by protests after video showed police shooting a 17-year-old named Laquan McDonald 16 times in October 2014.A lawyer for O'Neal's family, Michael Oppenheimer, told a news conference that the young man had been killed in cold blood and called for a special prosecutor to be appointed in the case to pursue possible criminal charge against officers.In the footage released by Chicago's Independent Police Review Authority, two officers can be seen shooting at a stolen car China Aluminum Sliding Windows Factory driven by the man, Paul O'Neal, who crashed the Jaguar into a police car and then fled into a backyard where officers gunned him down.


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"Its a stain on the name of the panchayat," agreed another villager, 65-year-old Manzoor Hussain.. Men sit around on charpoys, sheltering from the blistering heat, while women are conspicuous only by their absence, shielded from pvc single hung window Suppliers view behind the rough stone walls that surround each of the crudely built, single-storey houses..Mai, who lives a few hours north of Multan, made the unusual decision to defy her rapists and take them to court. This incident is a mark of this ignorance," said 46-year-old Imtiaz Matila.The councils have traditionally enjoyed broad support, thanks to their ability to offer immediate justice, compared to courts that can take years to settle a criminal case, and as much as a decade to resolve a civil dispute.Despite her concerns, Minallah is confident that the court will "step in at one stage or another to remind the state that these jirgas are against the constitution and humanity".

The rape of a teenage girl in revenge for a crime committed by her brother has left residents of Raja Ram in central Pakistan shaken and questioning a deeply entrenched system of village justice. Nothing more dishonourableCentral Punjab is also home to one of Pakistans most prominent advocates for womens rights- Mukhtar Mai, whose own story offers a window into jirga justice and its brutal mistreatment of women..But the recent ruling, which allowed a rape victims brother to sexually assault another innocent girl, has unsettled Raja Ram, home to some 3,000 people.But the uproar surrounding the rapes at Raja Ram has spurred the court to demand a full investigation... But in an apparent backtrack in 2017 aimed at unclogging the slow-moving court system, the government passed a new law that promotes village councils as an alternative solution to small civil disputes.The men of the aggressors family must be shamed through the loss of their womens dignity, Sarwari explained."May God have mercy, it was such a strange day and it was such a big injustice," said villager Amina Bibi."There used to be wise people in the old days who were making good panchayat decisions," recalled resident Matila. but now, these are the panchayat," he said, dismissively.


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Taking its name from the window-like wide square plaid pattern, windowpane patterns are formed by two perpendicular pinstripes that generally constitute broader checks. He suggests, “When we hear plaid, most of us think ‘kilt’. Known also as the chessboard checks because they reflect a stark grid of square tiles in traditional black and white or in yellow and white, they are the king of the fashion game right now. However, if you are one of those who believe that the print is too bold to be worn on a dress, shirt or pants, you may adopt them in the form of accessories which is a good way to dabble in the trend without going overboard. Also, instead of the classic lines of the windowpane print, opt for pieces that ‘blur’ the line.”

However, if you are feeling ‘trend shy’, pair it with basics, advises designer Sumona Parekh. Style it as you would a stripe: just as a striped collar peeking over the top of a crew neck sweater is a classic and a striped T-shirt looks good glimpsed under a cardigan or gilet.Windowpane patterns are haute at the moment with designers adopting a square approach to print for Fall as well as for Spring/ Summer. So, the best choice is to go ‘two for three’ with patterns. She says, “In fashion, when you cross an age of catwalk minimalism with an era of austerity, trends become incredibly down-to-earth. One of the punchiest utilitarian styles on the catwalk this season has been windowpane checks, referencing tower blocks. Ease your way in.


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But then, it’s all about shades and degrees. What has been its contribution to world peace? Osama bin Laden and his baby serpents? How would Egypt, the land of the ancient Pharaonic wisdom and timeless grace, account for its role in promoting, not peace, but a violent and regressive sect like the Muslim Brotherhood? Which nation does Ayman al Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s successor in Al Qaeda, come from? And what about that hedonistic hell called Dubai (UAE), with its menacing towers of shallow opulence and unbridled pursuit of carnal pleasure? With global terrorists like Dawood Ibrahim plying their evil trade in its cozy confines, it must take some gall for the UAE to accuse Qatar of promoting terrorism. The Saudis, meanwhile, were busy covering their tracks and playing possum with the Bush administration.Strangely, for all its earnest attempts at unravelling the truth about PVC Door Panel Al Qaeda and 9/11, Qatar earned the dubious title of being a “lackey of Washington”.

The writer is a senior journalist who has worked in India and the Middle East, including a stint as the editor of a newspaper in Qatar.”.In short, there’s not a single soul among these countries who could throw the first stone at Qatar. How many of them would pass muster as a tolerant state that allow other denominations, specially non-Abrahamic ones? The answer is almost none.Arab history has been nothing if not a history of betrayal and backstabbing. Interestingly, after 9/11, when the whole world was baying for Arab and Muslim blood, it was Sheikh Hamad bin Al Thani, then Emir of Qatar, who started a global news channel, Al Jazeera, to tell the world what Arabs and Muslims really thought about terrorism. In fact, the first bombing expeditions to Iraq in 2003 took off from Doha’s Al Udeid airbase.


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